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Cavaliers Revels at Taddiport 2013

DSC_3521Flickr What a fantastic day! It was sunny and Hot and a good crowd turned up.

There were fun and games for the familes and kids to do what they do without being stewarded, such as Skittles, a tin can alley, Where's wally, and football. There were also stewarded activities like a bouncy castle and the greasy poles, paper airplane competition, darts and much more.

2 events were team driven 1 was the Gun run where teams of 4 had to run the canon to the 1st wall, dismantle, pass it over and then carry to 2nd wall and through the gap. The canon had to be re assembled and then run around the bales and then back over the course to the finish line.

The tug of war was the final team event of the evening.

The bar and food was open throughout and Dj`s and bands played to entertain the crowds enjoying the event.

We would like to thank the people of Taddiport for putting up with us for this once a year event, the bands and Dj`s that played for free, Roger from the Torrington Arms who helped us with the bar,  and to our wives and partners who helped on the cream tea stall.

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